Distillation is the process of heating up a solution and condensing its vapors. This process is typically repeated over and over to create high-purity compounds.


Distillation plays a role in creating all of these everyday products:


In production of spirits (such as whisky), distillation is used to increase alcohol content of liquid


Biofuel production, such as ethanol, can be purified from water by using distllation due to their different boiling points

Crude oil

Extracted from oil wells, crude oil needs elaborate processing via distillation for it to become fossil fuels that we can use.

Refining chemicals

Production of most household chemicals employ distillation to refine mixtures.


Frozen and/or concentrated juices are often produced by using low temperature distillation to remove excess water content.


Distillation is used to extract fragrant compounds from natural sources, which are then used for manufacturing perfume.